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Unsolved Disappearances



Philly: Hi, I’m Philly.

McKenna: I’m McKenna.

P: And we’re Two Peas in a Podcast

M: Today is part one of unsolved disappearances, get ready.

P: I cut it too early.

M: I mean I thought it was okay.

P: Good enough.

M: Good enough?

P: Good enough.

M: Ok, well today we’re gonna be talking about, in spirit of October.

P: Yeah, because everyone goes missing in October.

M: Maybe.

P: Oh my gosh.

M: Unsolved disappearances.

P: Disappearances?

M: That’s not how you say it either.

P: Disappearances.

M: Yes, unsolved disappearances.

P: Alright, I’ll go first. Let’s start with Roanoke. AKA the lost colony.

M: Like from colonial times?

P: Yes.

M: Like discovering America?

P: Yes, it was like a late 16th century attempt founded by Sir Walter Raleigh, which is the capital of north carolina, it was in 1585 and then two years later Chesapeake bay colonists were ordered to go to Roanoke just to uh, I think they went to go pick up something but when they got there there was nothing but a skeleton but they were like you know that's fine.

M: Just a singular skelton?

P: Just a singular skelton, that they thought was from one of the soldiers. They didn't think anything of it at the time and then John Wyatt, John Watts and Raleigh agreed to stop by Roanoke on their way to the caribbean, or how ever you say it, and Wyatt had led them in and it was 1590 and when they got there everything was just gone, nothing at all. They couldn't find 90 men, 17 women and 11 children.

M: Oh my.

P: And there was no sign of struggle or battle and they just found the word “croatoan” and then they found “cro” carved into a tree, like it just wasn't finished it just had c-r-o and like the houses and stuff were dismantled so they weren't in a hurry if they left.

M: So they just packed up and left one day and didn't tell anyone?

P: I mean that could be the case but before the colony was settled and everything Wyatt had told them that they should carve a cross into one of the trees just so they would know if the evacuation was forced, and there was no cross. But like according to the colony relocated to Croatoan island that was 50 miles away but they went to go check that out and they didn't find anyone.

M: Mysterious.

P: Yea so some conspiracies around that, these are some crazy ones. People really didn't think these through. The whole season 6 of American Horror Story that's just centered around Roanoke and it was a good season, I recommend watching it. Then there are people saying they were victims of cannibalism, or they practiced it but i dont think thats the case.

M: Well think about it though, these colonies, if they got hungry enough... Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

P: No. Some say it was a zombie apocalypse. That one's a little out there.

M: Yea I don't- maybe not.

P: Some say that aliens abducted them.

M: No, okay.

P: Nope, but um...

M: It was probably like the indians right?

P: Yea thats what I thought. I thought it was probably like a genocide or something but then again there was no sign of battle of anything. Maybe they like led them on like “Hey we’re friends”, then led them astray. That one keeps me up at night

M: Like how does that many people just disappear?

P: Exactly.

M: Like there’s no skeletons, there's no bodies found or anything.

P: The houses were just taken down.

M: That’s so weird.

P: It doesn't make any sense to me. Alright well...

M: Well it may not be as weird as Amelia Earhart just disappearing off the face of the planet.

P: R.I.P.

M: She was iconic honestly.

P: She really was.

M: And she was only 40 when she disappeared in 1937 and so basically what happened is she was trying to make this trip around the world. She was in the New Guinea area and she was leaving from Lea, probably not how you pronounce it, in one of her planes in one of the last legs of her journey and their next stop was a tiny island named Howland Island and it was just north of the equator in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. It was like super tiny, like barely enough land to land a plane on. They never made it there though. Like they were trying to communicate with the island but they were on different times and everything and it was so confusing, so they couldn't find the island and so one of her last transmissions out was a code that meant we are either going northwest or southwest. So that leads to several theories. So one they just crashed out in the middle of the ocean near the island. They dragged the ocean looking for parts of the plane, looking for bodies right after and never found anything. Even recently in 2003 and 2007 we followed where the current could have taken it throughout the years still haven’t found anything. So I don’t know about that one. So if she had gone southwest. They would have landed on Nic- Nicaroom room. No -aroro, something like that, a small island southwest of Howland. The island was a colony and so there was a colonial administrator so he was looking here because it was one of the discoveries was that they could have become castaways on the island. So he lookded and discovered 13 bones, the remnants of two shoes, a man’s and a woman's, don’t know where the other ones went, and a box which held a sextant which is like a navigational device for planes and boats. So the bones were shipped to Fiji which was the closest place where they could be processed, they were measured but they were lost. So there was never actually any real analysis or anything on them, but researchers, from the measurements they got they said like by using modern techniques, like you can see how tall someone is from their femur I don't eve know if that's right.

P: I think that’s true.

M: They said the bones could have been from a women around Earhart's size and build. So that’s just the southwest. Up northwest.

P: Okay, okay.

M: Which is a more widely accept thing was that they landed on the Marshall Islands which were occupied by the Japanese and so the theory is that they were taken hostage by the Japanese and they were like suspected american spies cause like FDR was the president at the time and there were conspiracies that they were flying over the area just to get intel on where the Japanese were and everything.

P: So they were like shot down or something?

M: Well that's, no one really knows because, so its been investigated. There was a documentary on the history channel just this year called Amelia Earhart: The Lost Evidence and found this photograph and it was earhart and the person she was flying with, Noonan, like on this dock but it was kinda, so it was from the 1930’s so it was black and white and gross but like it was a caucasian male on a dock who appeared to look like Noonan and a woman sitting on the dock facing away from the camera but who had the physique and haircut remembering earhart. This is from the History Channel. This was discredited though because this japanese blogger was like I found this original photograph in the national archives and like this is photoshopped, y’all made this up.

P: The History Channel made it up?

M: They probably like found it and like credited it but it turned out to be fake.

P: Can't believe anything .

M: So I don’t know on that one. There is just alot possibilities and like out in the ocean so much could happen and go wrong.

P: You’re right, you’re right. That was a lot um let's do a part 2

M: Part 2?

P: Part 2.

M: This is the end of part one of unsolved disappearances.

P: We out.

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