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Two Peas Podcast: The Mandela Effect

Philly and McKenna discuss the Mandela Effect Conspiracy.




Philly: Howdy I’m Philly.

McKenna: And I’m McKenna.

P: And we’re Two Peas in a Podcast.

M: Today we are going to be talking about the Mandela effect conspiracy.

P: Ok.

M: Alright.

P: So I know how to describe the Mandela effect but a more definitive definition of it, from, is a collective remembrance of a fact or event. So basically a bunch of people remembering something one way and then it ending up being completely wrong. So it basically got its name from Nelson Mandela who everyone thought died in prison in the 80’s but he didn't.

M: Ha sike.

P: He died in 2013 I believe, and yea it's now called the Mandela effect because a lot of people remember him dying then. And there are a lot of examples of this.

M: Honestly like when I found out about this and doing this research, it really blows my mind. It's basically like you remember something one way...

P: But it never was that way.

M: Everyone else like knows it and your like...

P: Everyone will agree with you like yea yea I know that. Oh Berenstein, yea I know that.

M: Like no that's not what it is.

P: Berenstain actually.

M: Yea so I feel like the biggest example of the Mandela effect would be The Berenstein Bears. Which is how I remember it. That's how I grew up reading these books as a child: Berenstein.

P: And I don't even remember, I’m sure you can still say it was Berenstein but like it’s spelled Berenstain.

M: So its spelled B-E-R-E-N-S-T-A-I-N not I-E-N and I could've sworn it was an “e”.

P: Yea I get that, and then like it’s so weird cause people like fight over it, “Like no it's Berenstein.”

M: If I look it up right now what it says is Berenstain too and I guess like people can pronounce it differently so depending on where you're from I guess plays in effect to it.

P: One of people's wild beliefs about it is that we pass through a parallel universe or something. Where it was this but, oh no ,the times changing. Worm hole and now it's Berenstain.

M: One of the theories that I have read about is when people travel back in time... ok just hear me out.

P: No.

M: People come back into time and everytime they do like a small insignificant thing it changes...

P: That's the butterfly effect.

M: What’s that.

P: Are you serious? Oh my god! Now I got it. It's the butterfly effect, that when you go back in time and say you kill a butterfly. You go back to your time and everything is different because you killed that one butterfly.

M: No no no. That’s not what I'm talking about.

P: That’s the butterfly effect. That’s what I think you’re thinking about.

M: That’s not what i'm talking about.

P: Ok.

M: Ok I'm not saying this is what I believe, I'm just saying like this is one of theories I’ve heard.

P: Ok.

M: Like the Mandela effect happens not because of collective memory but when people come back in time or go to the future it's not like they change it, but like it changes as a consequence.

P: Well whoever thinks that I'm coming for you. It's definitely not that.

M: What else? What's another one?

P: Beside the huge one, the Nelson Mandela one, there are people that are like “Oh the Curious George one”, but that ones give cause he's chimp. Chimps don't have tails. I don't think he was ever a monkey. Did they ever say he was?

M: You know what.

P: If they said he was a monkey that makes sense, like he should have a tail, but if they never said “oh Curious George is a monkey”.

M: Well like you'd think, he's found in the jungle, he eats bananas like a monkey. As a kid you're not thinking “Oh is this a monkey or an ape?”

P: Ok yea but.

M: Another one that really messes me up is the Oscar Meyer and Oscar Mayer.

P: Yea.

M: And again it's like that “a” and “e” change with Berenstein, Berenstain. What's the song? My bologna has a friend. He has first name...

P: Bologna.

M: It's O-S-C-A-R. My bologna has a last name it's M-A-Y-E-R.

P: The we are the champions one, where it's like: we are the champions. But I'm not gonna sing it because I don’t have vocals. But like it doesn't end like everyone thinks it does. And I mean I wasn’t a big fan of the song, but I know it from Chicken Little.

M: Quality movie.

P: But that’s a different podcast. It doesn’t end with the of the world. Like it doesn't do that, it just cuts after champions.

M: See that's weird and like with that one I couldn’t like think about- I can't remember the exact lyrics of that song. So if someone told me that it doesnt have of the world I wouldn't say it does have of the world.

P: Ok one that really tripped you up was the monopoly man.

M: Yes that one messed me up.

P: Rich uncle pennybags.

M: Guess what?

P: He doesn't have a monocle. Everyone remembers him having a monocle but I don’t particularly remember that I don’t pay attention that much to the monocle I didn’t think he had one but I remember you sending me a snapchat with you having a monocle and top hat and everything and said “I’m the monopoly man” sike you weren’t because he doesn’t have a monocle.

M: That was a sad snap oh god freshman year. Yikes I don’t think it was a monocle either I just thought it was just a thing that helped you read better.

P: Isn’t that what a monocle is?

M: I guess that's probably true. He’s monocle-less. That’s just, no.

P: Also I've heard about the Mona Lisa smiling one. People think she had a straight face before but I always remember her having a smile.

M: What? I don’t even.

P: I don't know where I heard this recently, or maybe I was watching a Youtube video about it but like..

M: So she used to be straight faced?

P: No people thought that she used to be straight faced, they think that her smile has changed but it’s painting so.

M: Woah, I mean we’ve all seen the DaVinci Code, anything can happen.

P: No that movie was not good. No.

M: No, she’s definitely smiling.

P: Yea she’s always been smiling .

M: Why is that painting so famous anyway?

P: Brand name.

M: Oh man you so right.

P: We’re getting off topic, but yea there are other ones that are like smaller references to other things like lines in movies. Star Wars is a big one, he doesn’t say Luke I am your father, he says no I am your father. That’s one that trips up a lot of people. And there's one from Silence of the Lambs.

M: Yea. He doesn't say hello Claire right?

P: Her name is Clarice actually.

M: Oh I’m so sorry.

P: Goodmorning. That’s what he says but...

M: Oh and the Forrest Gump one. Everyone always thinks: life is like a box of chocolates, but actually...

P: It’s was.

M: Yea, life was like a box of chocolates.

P: Ok and then mirror on the wall when its magic mirror on the wall.

M: What?

P: Yea, in the Grimm brothers one it's magic mirror on the wall.

M: So what about the Disney movie though?

P: Disney is just in a whole other ball park. Disney can do what he wants, but like its actually magic mirror on the wall.

M: That’s so weird.

P: Well that one tripped me up like a lot. Then you brought up the jiffy thing.

M: Yea its not Jif peanut butter. Is it Jiffy lube? What am I thinking of?

P: I think people what people do is they mash Jif and Skippy and there like oh Jiffy but no I don't even eat peanut butter and that's why I know it but like Jif and Skippy.

M: Oh Fruit Loops.

P: Oh yea because it’s not spelled ruit it's like double “o”.

M: F-R-O-O-T L-O-O-P-S.

P: They really trying to fit in that cereal logo there. Toucan Sam. But yea I just think- I’m not gonna say it's a parallel universe or anything, believe what you want. You can believe it's the butterfly effect or whatever. But whatever it is I truly just think that it's just we are just messing up what it is. You here it wrong you tell it to someone else and what are they gonna be like, no you're wrong it's actually this.

M: I feel like half the time we don't even know what we're talking about.

P: The smallest details people are like oh my gosh but I'm confused as to how everyone thought Nelson Mandela was dead I feel like that's something that would've been said.

M: Yea like that one?

P: Some news articles would've come out and for that to be the one that the lady Fiona Broome, she coined it.

M: Broome with an “e”.

P: Yea with an “e”, there just would've been news articles about if he died and if there was like who did this?

M: Right.

P: Like no, he lived on.

M: My thoughts, ok I would say time travel is a little far fetched.

P: Yea because it's the butterfly effect.

M: Ok on the Mandela effect website they say like time travel is possible back in like 1905 but like we've seen enough movies to know its not a good idea. So I don't think the Mandela effect has to do with that.

P: I just think everyone remembers things wrong and we don’t pay attention close enough and we hear it one way and stick to it. The more you say it it’s like telephone it just gets mumbled up

M: Group psychology is just like it’s interesting. One person can start doing one thing.

P: Mob mentality.

M: We all read The Crucible sophomore year. We know. So like one person starts saying one thing and everyone else around them is like hearing it so they start doing it and it just gets bigger and bigger and then that's what you believe and then there are gonna be the couple people that find it and be like oh it’s actually this.

P: Yea we’re just, we just don't pay attention enough. I think that’s purely it.

M: And we don't remember things the same.

P: Yea especially if you weren't alive during the whole Nelson Mandela thing.

M: Definitely.

P: And if someone is gonna be like oh he died in prison you're gonna be like oh really that's wild. But no.

M: I don't remember where I heard this from but when you remember something it's like taking a photocopy of the original and when you remember it again it's like a photocopy of a photocopy and it just keeps going on and your memory gets more skewed as you get older. What’s real what’s not based off memory, honestly?

P: You’re right.

M: Our brain’s so tricky.

P: Ok before we get way too deep into this...

M: Let us know what you guys think. Tweet us @lejournlasion

P: And I’d love to read conspiracy theories. They are my thing.

M: Yea so if you guys liked this just let us know and we’d love to hear your thoughts.

P: Two peas in a podcast out.

M: Signing out.

P: Whoot.

M: Oh it's stuck in the tissue box.

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